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Ed Talks About Podcast

Apr 28, 2021

Ahoy hoy people.

This week, Ed talks about The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. We take an overview of the show, discussing the two leads, the villains and their motives, the storylines, and more.

Feat: Natasha of Twisted Sisters Cosplay Instagram // Twitter & CJ the Geek Instagram // Twitter

Nando V Movies Falcon...

Apr 21, 2021

Ahoy hoy people.

This week, Ed talks about Cosplay Competition. I discuss with my guests how to enter, the expectation of the competition, dealing with nervous energy and more.

Feat: kyashi Twitter // Twitch // Instagram & HarleyChainsaw Instagram // Twitter // Twitch // Facebook 

Music credit - Ukulele Whistle,...

Apr 13, 2021

Ahoy hoy people.

This week, Ed talks about Eddie's Birthday. Today is Eddie's birthday when this podcast is released so we have a celebration with Eddie and his guests to talk about working with Eddie, why they keep coming back, and some out of the box questions for Eddie.   

Feat: Natasha of Twisted Sisters Cosplay

Apr 7, 2021

Ahoy hoy people.

This week, Ed talks about the Justice League Snyder Cut release. Was it any good, was it needed, is the length of the film justify, should there be more, and many more. 

Feat: Natasha of Twisted Sisters Cosplay Instagram // Twitter & Gallagher Photography Instagram // Twitter

Music credit -...